



About Me

I’m currently pursuing my Bachelor’s degree at the University of Louisiana at Monroe.

My academic journey has provided me with a solid foundation in programming, data structures, algorithms, and more, with hands-on experience in languages like Java, Python, JavaScript, and PHP.

The projects I've worked on highlight my ability to create user-friendly applications and solve complex problems through innovative solutions.

In addition to my academic pursuits, I’ve gained practical experience as a Student Researcher and Mathematics Tutor at the University of Louisiana at Monroe.

These roles have allowed me to collaborate with fellow developers, manage web applications, and assist students in understanding challenging mathematical concepts.

You can find me on LinkedIn, GitHub, and LeetCode, where I engage with the tech community and continuously enhance my skills.



ULM Logo

University of Louisiana at Monroe

Computer Science - Bachelor

August 2022 - May 2026

Relevant courses: Java

Some Things I've Built
Full Stack Todo App

Full Stack Todo App

ASP.NET Core, Angular, SQL, Docker, Azure


  • Engineered a robust web application using ASP.NET for the backend, Angular for the frontend, and SQL Server for database management, facilitating seamless CRUD operations, and ensuring efficient data handling and user interface
  • Designed and integrated RESTful APIs with ASP.NET, enabling secure and efficient communication between the front-end Angular application and the SQL Server database
Chat System

Chat System

Java, Swing, Networking


  • Developed a Java Swing-based chat system enabling real-time messaging between multiple clients via a centralized server
  • Implemented robust client-side functionalities including message sending, receiving, and dynamic chat history loading upon connection
Algorithm Visualizer

Algorithm Visualizer

Java, Algorithms, Swing, AWT


  • Developed an interactive Java-based GUI application for visualizing sorting algorithms like quick sort, merge sort,insertion sort, and bubble sort, enhancing understanding through dynamic visual representation
  • Implemented comprehensive visualization of binary tree traversals including in-order, pre-order, post-order, and level-order, allowing users to build custom trees or generate random ones for study and analysis


Java, Swing, AWT


  • Developed a fully functional calculator application using Java Swing, featuring a user-friendly graphical interface with buttons for digits, arithmetic operations, and advanced functions like square root and factorial
  • Implemented event handling to manage user interactions, allowing dynamic input through buttons and keyboard inputs, and displaying results in real-time on the interface
Snake Game

Snake Game

Java, Swing, AWT


  • Developed a classic Snake Game using Java Swing, featuring dynamic game play with smooth snake movement and apple generation within a grid-based layout
  • Designed intuitive user interfaces with responsive buttons for game controls, including difficulty buttons to set the difficulty of the game, a start button for initiating game play and a restart button for resetting the game state
0-1 Knapsack Optimizer

0-1 Knapsack Optimizer

Java, Branch and Bound Strategy


  • Developed a Java program to find the maximum profit out of the set of weights and their corresponding profit to solve a 0-1 Knapsack problem
  • Used a priority queue to implement the best branch and bound strategy to optimize the maximum profit
Data Analytics Processor

Data Analytics Processor

Collections,Java Generics,Object Oriented


  • Developed a Java application for data processing, analysis, and summarization tailored to client requirements
  • Worked with Collections framework anImplemented efficient data handling using Collections framework and diverse data structures, alongside generic Java classes to ensure code reusability
Kakuro Solver

Kakuro Solver

Java, Algorithms, Backtracking


  • Developed a Java program to solve a Kakuro problem based on the user’s input specification
  • Wrote a backtracking algorithm that used pruning to optimize the time complexity in finding the sequence of numbers that match the logic for Kakuro
Shortest Path Program

Shortest Path Program

Floyd-Warshall Algorithm, Dynamic Programming


  • Developed a Java program to find the shortest path between any two vertices in a graph
  • Implemented a dynamic programming approach to incorporate Floyd-Warshall’s Algorithm

Some of my skills

Where I've Worked

© 2024 Biswash Kunwar